domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

Happy Un-Birthday!

" ''It's a cravat, child, and a beautiful one, as you say. It's a present from the White King and Queen. There now! "
"It is really?" said Alice, quite pleased to find that she had chosen a good subject, after all.
"They gave it me," Humpty Dumpty continued troughfully, as he crossed one knee over the other and clasped his hands round it, " they gave it me-for an un-birthday present."
"What is an un-birthday present?"
"A present given when it's not your birthday, of course.""
Lewis Carroll, Alice Through The Looking Glass

Gracias por los regalos ^o^
(El del corazón estaba muy rico)

sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Marry Me, Emilie Autumn

Marry me, he said, through his rotten teeth, bad breath, and then
Marry me instead of that strapping young goatherd, but when
I was in his bed, and my father had sold me
I knew I hadn't any choice, hushed my voice, did what any girl would do and
When I'm beheaded at least I was wedded
And when I am buried at least I was married
I'll hide my behavior with wine as my savior

But, oh, what beautiful things I'll wear
What beautiful dresses and hair
I'm lucky to share his bed
Especially since I'll soon be dead

Marry me, he said, god, he's ugly, but fortune is ours
Running in the gardens enjoying men, women, and flowers
Then I break a glass and I slit my own innermost thigh
So that I can pretend that I'm menstru...well, unavailable
My life is arranged but this union's deranged
So I'll fuck who I choose for I've nothing to lose
And when master's displeased I'll be down on my knees again

Oh, what beautiful things I'll wear
What beautiful dresses and hair
I'm lucky to share his bed
Especially since I'll soon be dead

When dining on peacock I know I won't swallow
Through balls, births, and bridge games I know what will follow
We're coupled together through hell, hurt, and hunger
Or at least until husband finds someone younger
Yes, fertilization is part of my station
I laugh as he drabs me in anticipation
Of sons who will run things when I'm under covers
But whose children are they? Why, mine and my lover's!

But, oh, what beautiful things I'll wear
What beautiful dresses and hair
I'm lucky to share his bed
Especially since I'll soon be dead
What beautiful things I'll wear
What beautiful dresses and hair
I'm lucky to share his bed
So why do I wish I was...

jueves, 1 de abril de 2010

Broken Dreams

"¿Cómo ha comenzado todo? No lo sé exactamente, simplemente estaba allí, en mi cabeza. La oscuridad. Y las sombras. ¿Cómo pude cambiaar tanto? De alguna forma siempre estuvo allí, acompañándome desde mi más tierna infancia, disfrazada de aquel sentimiento de impotencia. Siempre intenté pensar quee no era culpa mía, sino de aquellos que tan mal me lo hicieron pasar. Sabía que lo que ellos decían era cierto, pero esa verdad dolía tanto que era imposible no oirla.
Al principio no les escuchaba. ¿Para qué, si sólo pretendían herirme y hacerme llorar? Pero ya no podía hacer oídos sordos por siempre. Y en algún momento comencé a escuchar sus crudas palabras.
Comenzaron las comparaciones, la desesperación, el dolor, la impotencia. no, no sé cuándo vino, cuándo decidió instalarse en mi mente, sólo sé que era algo que pasaría en algún momento, aunque nadie pudiese comprenderlo. Yo tampoco podía.
Para cuando me di cuenta no podía mirar a nadie a la cara, no podía vivir en su mismo mundo. Congtemplaba a las personas desde otro mundo. Mis sueños de niña se habían quebrado. ¡Cuánto deseaba volver a ver brillar el sol! Pero yo misma lo había apagado.
¿Y a quién confío mis sentimientos, mis miedos, si nadie me comprende?"